Punjab National Bank - 8th Jan

Today's Opening - 106

Today's High - 107

Today's Low - 105

Today's Closing - 105

Lowest closing since 30th Jan, 2014.

Since 2nd Dec, the stock has been closing lower than the 5-day Exponential Moving Average.

The 2-day Relative Strength Index has remained below 50% since 3rd Dec.

The 12, 26-day Moving Average Convergence Divergence has remained negative since 9th Dec.

Since 10th Dec, the Negative Directional Index has been stronger than the Positive Directional Index.

The stock has been making daily new lows since 21st Dec with low volumes over the past six sessions.

For the past seven days, the 20-day Commodity Channel Index has remained below zero.

Having lost 11% in the past one week, the stock will cool off at the current levels over the next one week before starting to move in either direction. As I'd mentioned on 15th Dec, 100-103 is a good support for this stock and will not be taken off that easily. Use this opportunity to sell in case you want to get rid of this stock. Else, just hold on.
